Window fashions

As warmer weather slowly makes its return, think for a moment about how your mood changes when a gray, rainy morning dissolves in to a sun-soaked afternoon, or when a hot, glaring summer afternoon gently softens and melts into a soothing sunset.

That is the impact of light. It has the power to change not just what you see, but how you see it, and how you feel.

As a design professional, I often find that the window fashions are either overlooked, or chosen almost as an afterthought. But one size most definitely does not fit all!

Window fashions are one of the key accessories to pull a room together. They are more than window dressing – by changing the dynamics of a room, they can have a dramatic impact on your space. Window fashions can create a mood, reflect or complement your style, and should personalize your home with a luminous signature. When choosing the right window fashions, it’s best to begin by considering the basics: light source, function, privacy and style. Keeping these four elements in mined will give your project a sense of direction, and will accomplish the necessary functional aspects while also contributing to the room’s feel and style.


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